Dan Rubano - New Earth Nation, EndlessOne Global

Desmond Green - Reverence for Life University, The Moods Channel

Pierre Sawaya - EndlessOne Global

Jason Book - Absolute Asphalt, Green Paving Technologies

Dan Davison - Global Banking, Personal Creed, Life Story

Shine Gopal - Newday Earth, Athma Academy

Mark Skadberg - Reverence for Life University, Energy Keeper

Tom Nead - EndlessOne Global, New Earth Nation

John Oldham - Energy Keeper, Johnny Rose

Tom Dooley - Dooley Woodworks

Roger Bockes - HEM Paving, Roadgroom, IA

Diana McIntyre - Jamaica/Caribbean, Peace through Tourism

Mike Fritsch - Traveler Technology, Incubation, Ft. Wayne, IN

Mike Harmon Jr. - Entrepreneur, Native Peoples, South Dakota

Barbara and Robert Young - Higher Self, Santa Barbara, CA

Redmond & Kim Jones - Groveland Florida, EndlessOne Global, Africa

Gordon Boswell - Recovery, Franchise

Devon Skadberg - water, Reverence for Life University

Greg Miller & Gia Scott - Voice of the People Radio, Reverence for Life University

Sergio Nino - Global Innovative Solutions, Reverence for Life University

Sarah Ford - Reverence for Life University, Vision Excelerator

Tom Chouteau - Kaliedoscope, Twilight Riverboat

Kevin Stier - Twilight Riverboat

Bob Windt - Yep, It's Rocket Science, Hoverkids

Simon Ngomi - EndlessOne Global, Africa

Scobie Ryder - Vanuatu, EndlessOne Global, Vantu Bank

Don Pierce - Micoy

Tonya Britton - Texas, entrepreneurship

Tim Chambers - Green, sustainability

John Campbell - higher ed

Theo and Sharon Chambers - Caribbean, electronic resources

Jose Valencia Gomez - EndlessOne Global, Latin America

Sam Lankford - tourism, higher ed.

Steve Simpson - experiential education, higher ed

Wayne Lyter - entertainment, local, Reverence for Life University

Bob Baker - Oregon, wholistic living, teeth

Darryl & Dawn Shoenstadt - real estate, ascended masters

Linda Smarzik - higher ed., One Breath Village

Troy Dillinger - entertainment, Austin, TX

David Cater - Peckerwood Gardens, organic foods

Jamieson Africa - EndlessOne Global, communities

Ed Osenbaugh - ??

Cory Stover - healing, radionics

John Bald - food, community innovation

Marilyn Diamond & Donald Schnell - Prema Baba

Ian Gordon

People in Spirit

Marvel Skadberg

Marvin Skadberg

Laurie Skadberg

Guillermo Rodriguez

Richard Ewing

Norman Borlaug

Albert Schweitzer

Abraham Lincoln

Emanual Swedenborg

Horus   Isis   Anubis


Dawn Newton

Spirit Team

Steve Nichols

Alejandra Ortega

Children Inspiration









2nd Tier


Yvette Dubel

Todd Skadberg

Wayne Cho

Aristo Setiawan

Ronald Woperies

Richard Harris


Niels Lundsgard


Jeff Carter

Robin Beck

John Murphy







Claudia Alvaran

Famous People

Jeff Bezos

Robin Williams

James Garner

Matt Damon

Jack Dangermond