Partial Accomplishments during my academic career

In order to set the record straight about my prior work, I have decided to include the documents in my possession that I was key to their development. Some of these delivered significant benefits to other individuals, or organizations. We are now past the statute of limitation, 7 years, by a significant amount so it behooves me to make this information known, in a public way, even though I am not posting this information in a prominent place on my websites, I am more or less posting for posterity in case I were to pass in some unexpected way. See academic Vitae - online (2012) or Pdf (2015)

Since leaving my "professional job" in 2007, at the highest level of Texas A&M University, I have experienced tremendous financial challenges. Although that could be a story of it's own, it is a matter of fact that I have not had a steady salary, or paycheck since I left the university in 2008. I did for awhile have a salary while I was teaching English in Colombia, South America (Oxford Center and University of Tolima in Ibague), but it was severely inadequate to take care of my child support obligations so I returned to the U.S. with grand plans to tackle that "debt" only to discover it to be a case "the best made plans of mice and Andy".

Since returning to the Midwest in 2011, I have not had but occasional odd jobs. For the entire time that I have been married to Sarah, I have only had occasional cash in my pocket. A number of times when I did do work, expecting to get paid well, I didn't get paid, or in one case money was taken from my bank account and a negative balance showed up.

Also, being in this situation, I suspect that many people think that I am lazy, or un-accomplished, or a mooch. Nothing could be further from the truth. In my life I have had upwards of 70, of all types. However, when I hunkered down, I always climbed to the top. As my academic CV attests, I have been extremely active. Usually holding down at least 2-3 jobs, while for many of my middle years, I was going to college full time.

With that as a cursory introduction to the background of this posting, I will now post downloadable documents of the more prominent projects that I have either lead, or been a co-lead on.

No matter the case, these projects stay in my repertoire and Vision in a progressive fashion to accomplish my Mission as stated on my Living, Book of Life

After spending two years working for the company AdventGX (10 months of the 2nd year not receiving a salary) I returned to the university with my tail between my legs in hope of getting a regular job. I approached Julie Barker, the Assistant to Dr. Richard Ewing, the Vice President for Research at Texas A&M. I was quickly told that they did have something for me to take charge of. That was the TEEMS (Texaco Energy and Environmental Multispectral Spectrometer) a $5,000,000 machine built by Texaco in, I believe, the early 1990s. It is quite a story in itself, for another time, but I spent nearly a year and half developing strategy for Dr. Ewing. He had two primary purposes 1) stimulate collaborative research across the various colleges at TAMU, around the technology, and GIS/remote sensing sciences (I ran with this in the area of practical application) 2) stimulate technology development for commercialization and to increase the university's ability to start business and generate revenue for R&D, and to bring same to Bryan/College Station, University and Texas.

After working with the TEEMS and learning about it's potential, it was as if the "lights went on". I produced two major sets of materials - the Vision for the University, and secondly a strategy to generate the "seed funding" to significantly grow the initiative. My stimulus for the STACI project came when I inadvertently got to attend a GIS conference in San Antonio. Mike Fritsch of Zoom and David Baraniak introduced me to Jack Dangermond, owner and President of ESRI, the largest GIS software company

Project STACI - Proposal - Team - Budget
taking the TEEMS device, via Systems Approach to Iraq to discover and eliminate IEDs $35,000,000 that Dr. Ewing never had a chance to read, because of the U.S. China Relations Conference, completing KAUST pre-proposal, and being embroiled in the fabricated "scandal" with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) (see real story of Dr. Ewing's passing)

KAUST (King Abdulah University of Science and Technology) - 2/3 of the structural components of this proposal "The School and Library of the Future" were based on my PhD work, and developed further being the Visionary for AdventGX. I found out after the fact, having resigned, that Dr. Ewing intended me to be the "Head of Education" for this KAUST Center (see letter of recommendation from Vice President's  office)

A significant portion of these projects guided my ideas that were included in the original proposal to create the Jamaica Reverence for Life University in 2007. After the sudden passing of Dr. Ewing, I received a powerful inspiration to write this proposal after my friend and mentor Desmond Green mentioned wanting the create the RFLU.

In 2018 a huge fervor happened around the Lower Rio Grande Valley, the "building of a wall" and how terrible president Trump was for how he was handling the border issue. People on social media apparently become experts very quickly as they tend to be very opinionated, and critical.

Ironically, I have quite a history with the LRGV, starting with planting trees with a work group in 1989 with the Texas Nature Conservancy. Then I attended a training there in 1990 for the Boys and Girls Clubs, when I was working for the organization in San Antonio.

My work with the Texas Coastal Birding Trail at Texas Parks and Wildlife Department further expanded my interest. However, more importantly I have always appreciated the beauty of hispanic women, and also the hard working nature of Mexican people. I could write extensively about this as my work, and personal life took me to Mexico about 6 times from 1996 until 2005.

My interest here is post that I could be consider "an expert" on the LRGV, but I had to drop the whole subject due to it's complexity. I very seriously considered writing my PhD dissertation on the place, culture and dynamics of its position between our two nations. I even wrote about 5 term papers on the subject. But, I had to scrap the whole enterprise as being far to complex and difficult to examine from a multi-disciplinary perspective by myself. So, late in my PhD work I completely shifted to the research that I did complete looking at "Nature Tourism in Cyberspace: an Examination of It's Geography and Character in the Network". Here are those 5 term papers on the LRGV that I completed between 1997-1999.

Developed the Texas Regional Analysis Planning Support System with Yongxia Xia Summary presented to Texas Bend Bays Foundation

My Beginning to my rise to the top of Texas A&M University - AdventGX, U.S. China Relations and more

At the pinnacle of my professional life, I was selected 1st, out of all the professors, and researchers to "spin" a company out of Texas A&M University in 2003. The company still exists, NOT according to my Vision. I moved in to the first office on Research Park at TAMU, less than one block from the Bush, Sr. Presidential Library, occupying the lead position at this abundantly wealthy university (petroleum and military as foundations) in my humble work in environmental protection, experiential education, youth, tourism, technology and rural economic diversification and development. The project was the Technology Transfer Commercialization Initiative (TTCI), and was the Vision of Dr. Richard Ewing (2nd pic, with Christine Yang and yours truly).

In 2003, Dr. Ewing created the U.S. China Relations Conference. Of course, because of political expediency, George Bush, Sr. took credit and put is name to the conference when I got to attend in Beijing, China (2005), Arnold Schwarznegger (4th pic) was the key-note speaker. I actually introduced myself to Barbara in Beijing that year (3rd pic).

In 2007, I was part of the organizing team for the same conference in Washington, DC. I got to shake George's hand. This chapter of my life was the most tumultuous, difficult and exciting, I had experienced up to then, but ultimately I decided to walk away from all of these accomplishments when Dr. Ewing passed on Dec. 5 (my father's birthday, and my father John Marvin had passed on Jan 12, the day before my birthday). The ripples and effects of this "sacrifice", or better put, demonstration of my Trust that God always sustains, and that when my heart prompts me to jump off a cliff - Eye Jump, the implications are now rapidly coalescing as I watch an amazing team of "heros" or "Leaders who are hardly known" come together!

George, for a good portion of my life I have harbored resentments. I am sorry. I release those and ask for fore-giveness. As to release myself, and step out of the role of Judge. I know this Mark's a new moment in time, of profound proportions, but I cannot see the details. As I posted on Dr. Ewing's memorial page, it seems appropriate to Share here

“I do the very best I can, I mean to keep going. If the end brings me out all right, then what is said against me won't matter. If I'm wrong, ten angels swearing I was right won't make a difference.”
― Abraham Lincoln

Pictures for the U.S. China Relations conference in Beijing, China in 2005. Pictures on the left column are from the larger conference sessions and pictures on the right are from the roundtable session that I organized, and got funding for.

For the Conference on China-U.S. Relations: Trade, Diplomacy and Research

 Wetland Conservation, Nature-Based Tourism, and Rural Economic Development roundtable session

Interestingly, our "host", Wi Bihu (Tiger Wood) in China was already connected to the Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences Department through a colleague, Clare Gunn, who had written a very good book Tourism Management in the 1970s. Wi had translated the book into Chinese. When I was in Beijing, we were able to arrange for me to do a talk for one of his classes.

Up until recently, I was able to locate the Chinese page, with pictures. In order to adequately document all that happened for this "Roundtable Session" to occur, I will have to create an additional page with the whole story.

See China experiences.
Living in Texas and studying government effectiveness

From 1993 until 2003 I was working extensively with Texas state agencies. I was interested in nature tourism, having been hired to work on a project called Texas Adventures at Texas Parks and Wildlife in 1993. I was hired by the Executive Director, Andy Sansom. There are some interesting stories about my time at TPWD, but my interest is to post the research paper I conducted looking into the functions, and disfunctions of Texas state government and the role of politics. I spent significant time on this research. My time is always an information gathering. Active work on this paper was conducted from 1998 until it's submission to academic journals in 2003.

This was an academic research article, so the "voice" is as objective as can be. Today, I would be much more outspoken about the corruption and ineptitude of the bureaucracies, and the influences of politics, stifling the accomplishment of things to benefit the people of the state of Texas.

During my time in Texas I worked very closely with the following agencies.
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Texas Dept of Transportation
Texas Historical Commission
Texas Commission of Arts
Texas Department of Agriculture
Texas State University, San Marcos (previously Southwest Texas State University)
Texas Dept. of Economic Development (previously Texas Dept. of Commerce)
Texas A&M University
Texas Cooperative Extension

I also had close working ties with the Texas Travel Industry Association